There's nothing quite like a road trip. Teaming up with a loved one, in this case my Dad, and hitting the road, not a care in the world except keeping ourselves entertained. After such a stressful and tiring semester, this little vacation is just what the doctor ordered!
Dad and I left on Thursday to tour Texas, see some cool sights, drop by some places he lived when he grew up, and with cameras in tow, we've taken lots and lots of pictures. And we had so much fun yesterday that instead of going home today, we decided to extend our trip an extra day. It's been totally worth it.
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Dad and I, about to head out on the highway. Lookin' for adventure...and whatever comes our way. Born to be wild. ;-) |
And the weather has been absolutely fabulous the past couple of days! Thursday it was overcast for a lot of the day, and kind of chilly. Made for very enjoyable exploring and picture taking. Today has felt just as great, but we've seen a ton of rain. Even a little hail. But we still managed to get some good pictures. We're awesome like that.
For now we're checked into our hotel for the night, big plans for tomorrow. What better way to end a road trip but with a bang? We intend to have twice as much fun tomorrow as we did today and Thursday. Watch out, Texas. We'll be travelin' you some more tomorrow!
enjoy your journey
Sounds like you both are having a blast! What an awesome way to make memories. :)
@MissWoodhouse—We really are! It's been so much fun making memories and learning some cool things about my Dad. It's been so awesome.
@thisdarkpassenger—Thanks! We will. :-)
Sounds like fun!
@musiclovinchic93—It's so much fun! And we've taken a bunch of pictures. Road trips are the best. :-)
You've seen hail in May? That's amazing. Have fun on your road trip! :)
I have! And an uncharacteristic amount of rain. Lots of flooding. It's been wild! But very fun anyway. :-)
Nothing like some father and daughter time. Glad you're enjoying the trip so far :)
amazing!! it took me to my own childhood: my father being a forest officer we used to go for these kind of pleasant trips very often, these trips provide you with an oppurtunity to be more aware of your true self and to be more receptive towards others' shortcmings!! we six siblings learnt most of our life-skills while on the go!!
I love hearing about father-daughter moments, they're the most special! My dad's in Iraq and I haven't seen him for two months :( I miss him terribly. Take advantage of the time you have with your father
@Kess—Thanks! There really is nothing like it. :-)
@CheersWhizkids—How cool! That sounds like a lot of fun. And yes, you definitely learn things on these trips that you just don't get in school. ^_^
@jnana—I hope you get to see your Dad soon! I'll be praying that he says safe. :-)
That's awesome that you spend some good times with your dad. My dad aren't really that close, though he always tries to get me to spend time with him. It's harder for me, but it's good that you're so close to him!
Beautiful Blog !
congrats on being a blog of note!
I love being out and about with my Dad.
I can't wait to see him in two weeks! It should be a blast!
Hi Sarah! How are you? I´m learning English. so I went to your blog. I´m from Brazil.
Maybe you can help me learn a little English?
I have a blog, I hope your visit
@Devon—Thanks! I definitely appreciate how close my Dad and I are. I’m very fortunate.
@Logann—Thank you very much!
@Levonne—Thanks! ^_^
@The Reading Bear—Me too! It’s the best. I’m glad you get to see him soon! I hope you have a great time. :-D
@Novaes—I’m good, thanks! I just checked out your blog; the pictures are cool!
Your so lucky to be able to get away like that. I'm so envious lol!
If you aren't already using it, you should use Google Analytics to track where your users are coming from, and how many visits you get each day. Just a thought. Much better than a ticker system, anyway. I wrote a post about how to set it up...
Congrats on your noteworthy status, by the way! :D
These are moments to treasure, as you each grow a little & learn about each other. You are indeed lucky to have a warm loving relationship with your dad. Any fool can be a father...its a special man that can be a dad.
very nice blog, and really great photographs ...
hope u visit my blog :
That sounds like a lot of fun!
@Mikame—It really was lucky! The timing was just right. It’s been awhile since I’ve had some time for a vacation. It was much needed! I hope you get to get away soon, too!
@C&A—Thanks! I may have to check that out.
@deadmandeadman—Inspired words! And very true. Not just any man can be a good father. Fortunately I have an excellent one. :-)
Thanks for dropping by!
@Fardin—Thanks! I just checked out your blog. Sounds like you had some yummy pizza for lunch! :-)
@Boring and Clumsy Teen—It was! I’m kind of sad it’s over, actually. :-P
very interesting blog, I really liked. I do not use English very well (I'm speaking Spanish), but I could understand the content through the google translator and of course, translate my comment for you to understand.
I hope you visit my blog and follow me (as I do to you.)
a poet who writes in Spanish
Abanto Erick Lopez
if you have any problems, on the left there is a title that says "translate", choose the language they speak and suted wait a minute. You'll notice that the blog itself, especially its content is translated.
Great blog ...
Congratulations on posting ...
Kisses in your heart ...
@Erick Abanto López—Thanks for the hint, I’ll try translating it! I wish I spoke Spanish, but alas, I do not. (Yet?) :-)
@betomelodia—Thank you! Appreciate the comment.
Just discovered this blog through blogspot's list. Love it! So full of energy :) Reading the past few entries, we seem to be very similiar. (I promise, I don't mean for that to be creepy!) Enjoy your Monday!
@Megan—Thanks for dropping by! I’m glad you like my blog. And don’t worry, nothing about your comment came off creepy! :-D I hope you have a good Monday, too!
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